All the articles with the tag "php".
- Posted on:November 3, 2023 |
Customizing Table Actions with Scoped Slots in Laravel
When building reusable Laravel blade components, it's common to define default rendering and behavior for things like actions or buttons. However, sometimes you may want the flexibility to override or customize these defaults. This is where scoped slots come in handy.
- Posted on:October 25, 2023 |
Table Sorting and Pagination with HTMX in Laravel
In my last post, we went through the fundamentals of HTMX. We explored few core concepts including usage of hx-get and hx-post to add asynchronous functionality. In this post, we’ll enhance a Laravel blade template with HTMX to add client-side sorting and pagination.
- Posted on:September 18, 2023 |
Getting Started with HTMX in Laravel - An Overview
HTMX (HTML extensions) is an easy-to-use JavaScript library that allows you to build reactive user interfaces directly in HTML. In this blog post, we 'll understand how it works, and build a very basic CRUD in Laravel using HTMX.
- Posted on:September 5, 2023 |
Strategic Refactoring of Legacy Codebase
As a developer, you've likely come across legacy code at some point in your career, most of the time updating legacy code can be a challenging task. I am recently working on refactoring of a legacy Laravel application. Having dealt with such a challenge in the past, I knew it would require patience and an incremental approach.